OER Africa and AAU Sign MoU to Improve Curricula of Higher Education
Programme Modelling: a Saide/Nadeosa Investigation inth the Cost and Human Resource Implications for Different Models of ODL Provision
Enhancing Good Practice in Higher Education in Lesotho
Introducing OER for Teacher Development in Iringa
On Conventional (Paper-Based) ODL and (Web 2.0) e-Learning ... and Other Saide Blogs



Season Greetings

Saide would like to wish all our friends and partners well over the festive season and all the best for 2012.

Our offices will be closed from mid-day on 23rd December and will re-open on Tuesday 3rd January 2012.




OER Africa and AAU Sign MoU to Improve Curricula of Higher Education

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) seeking to increase collaboration and networking among university leaders, managers and academics across African was signed by Catherine Ngugi, Project Director of Saide's OER Africa Initiative and Professor Olugbemiro Jegede, Secretary General of the Association of African Universities, in Accra in October.

Programme Modelling: a Saide/Nadeosa Investigation into the Cost and Human Resource Implications for Different Models of ODL Provision

Tony Mays reports on the fifth version of a Nadeosa special project supported by Saide.

Enhancing Good Practice in Higher Education in Lesotho

The Council on Higher Education (CHE) in Lesotho has recently initiated processes of developing a coherent national higher education policy. Saide has been appointed to support the process. Ephraim Mhlanga provides input on our initial engagement with the CHE.


Introducing OER for Teacher Development in Iringa

Saide, through its OER Africa initiative, recently signed a memorandum of agreement/general cooperation link agreement with the University of Dar-es-Salaam (UDSM) to work with the university and its affiliated university colleges of education to support the adaptation and use of OER for teacher development. Tony Mays reports.


On Conventional (Paper-Based) ODL and (Web 2.0) e-Learning ... and Other Saide Blogs

Saide education staff have recently started contributing to a blog post on our website. In a blog, in order to increase her personal understanding of the differences of paper-based ODL and e-Learning, Tessa Welch reviewed the Commonwealth of Learning's 2005 handbook Creating Learning Materials for Open and Distance Learning: A Handbook for Authors and Instructional Designers. Other recent Saide blogs include: Guidelines to start finding out about current and new e-Learning technologies; looking at e-Learning options using Moodle; and the use of electronic portfolios.