Issue 2
Copyright and Licensing toolkits
OER Africa's Copyright and Policy
Toolkits Now Available
Foundation Phase Teacher Education Expanding
NAMCOL Tracer Study of Former Learners 2005 - 2010
Rapid Research Assessment of the
Use of the Department of Basic
Education Workbooks

PHEA ETI Inter-Institutional Workshop



56th ICET World Assembly
University of Cape Coast, Ghana
Pre-Conference Workshop

Saide and the TESSA Project will be conducting a pre-conference workshop Quality and Effectiveness: Using Open Educational Resources in Teacher Education Course Design
on 8th and 9th July 2012.
Click here for more information.



OER Africa's Copyright and Policy Toolkits Now Available

Saide's OER Africa Initiative has recently revised two of our OER toolkits drawing on work with our network of higher education partners in Africa.

Foundation Phase Teacher Education Expanding

Nine projects involving 16 South African universities are underway to provide more and better Foundation Phase teachers. The overall programme is supported by the European Union and falls under the Department of Higher Education. Sheila Drew describes one of the projects.

NAMCOL Tracer Study of Former Learners 2005 - 2010

NAMCOL is a semi-autonomous education institution funded through the Ministry of Education. In 2011 Saide conducted a tracer study of former learners of NAMCOL - the Namibian College of Open Learning. Jenny Louw provides a summary of some of the findings of the study conducted by Liora Hellmann.


Rapid Research Assessment of the Use of the Department of Basic Education Workbooks

The Zenex Foundation is an independent South African non-profit donor agency dedicated to maths, science and language education. It provides financial resources and engages proactively with its funded projects to empower disadvantaged teachers, learners and school management committees through education and training. In fulfilling its mandate, the Foundation commissioned Saide to conduct rapid research on the use of the Department of Basic Education's Workbooks in ten Zenex project schools situated in Johannesburg. Paul Mphisa and Lorraine Marnewick report on the rapid research.


PHEA ETI Inter-Institutional Workshop

The PHEA Educational Technology Initiative third Inter-Institutional Workshop was held in Johannesburg in March 2012. This workshop, which was the last in a series of three over the four years of the project has been running was characterised by a highly self-confident and energetic group of participants who were eager and prepared to share experiences, writes Ephraim Mhlanga.