Issue 2
Copyright and Licensing toolkits
The DHET FET College Improvement Plan
NADEOSA Case Studies on Good Practice in ODL
Getting Practical - New Edition
Development and Delivery of Teaching and Learning Materials

An Assessment Workshop for the Catholic University in Beira (UCM CED) - May 2012





The DHET FET College Improvement Plan

The Department of Higher Education and Training has launched a Further Education and Training College Improvement Plan. This initiative is aimed at improving the functionality and capacity of FET Colleges nationally. Saide has been contracted to provide technical support and capacity building to improve the quality of teaching and learning across all the Eastern Cape FET colleges. Maryla Bialobrzeska reports.

NADEOSA Case Studies on Good Practice in ODL

One of the National Association for Distance Education and Open Learning in South Africa's (NADEOSA) major contributions has been the development of the Nadeosa publication Designing and Delivering Distance Education : Quality Criteria and Case Studies. The Association has updated the publication with new case studies that are available digitally on the NADEOSA website. Ephraim Mhlanga has been taking this process forward.

Getting Practical - New Edition

Oxford University Press has just published the third edition of Saide's professional studies guide for teachers – Getting Practical. The third edition of Getting Practical retains much of the content from the previous editions. However, the new edition features four main changes that were informed by feedback from users of the second edition.


Development and Delivery of Teaching and Learning Materials

A key issue was raised at the Partnership for Higher Education in Africa Educational Technology Initiative (PHEA ETI) workshop which is pertinent across all teaching disciplines: Whose responsibility is it to author multimedia rich teaching materials, the subject expert or the IT or multimedia support specialists? Monica Mawoyo, a consultant to Saide, discusses the issue.


An Assessment Workshop for the Catholic University in Beira (UCM CED) - May 2012

Dr Dee Pinto, an experienced educator and Portuguese-speaking South African, ran a workshop for coordinators of the B Ed programmes at the Centre for Distance education at UCM in Mozambique recently. She adapted and translated for a Portuguese teacher education audience many of the standard Saide activities for assessment workshops.