Jennifer Glennie reports on a recent workshop she attended in Botswana.
The National Association of Distance Education and Open Learning
in South Africa (NADEOSA) Biennial Courseware Award was presented
at the 10th Anniversary Gala Dinner. Four submissions were received
for the awards. The materials were adjudicated by representatives
from the 2004 winners, namely UNISA and the University of Fort Hare.
Professor Wendy Kilfoil of UNISA, who co-ordinated the courseware
awards on behalf of the Executive Committee, presented the following
citation. |
The Department of Education has contracted SAIDE to provide services
to the NEPAD Education Office in the field of distance teacher education.
In providing these services, SAIDE will draw upon the wide range
of competencies available within the organization to undertake successfully
the various tasks required of NEPAD Education. Tony Mays provides
more detail. |
Yvonne Reed of the Department of Applied Language at the University
of the Witwatersrand reviews a new book on stories on Eastern Cape
teacher transformation in the field of Science and Mathematics.
The Royal Netherlands Embassy is
providing substantial funding to the KwaZulu-Natal Department of
Education, the North West Department of Education and the Media
in Education Trust (MiET) for an Education centres supporting
rural development programme, as well as a the Schools as
centres of care and support for children HIV and AIDS programme
over a period of four years, from 1 April 2005 to 31 March 2009.
SAIDE has been commissioned to conduct an evaluation. Both programmes
will have a school and a community development element. Kate Kuhn
and Tessa Welch report. |