Introducing the Next Executive Director of Saide
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About Us
Our Mission
Saide is committed to the process of transformation of education and training to increase equitable and meaningful access to knowledge, skills and learning through the adoption of open learning principles, across different modes of provision.
Our Vision
Our vision is a society in which all people value, have access to and succeed in lifelong education and training in the global knowledge economy.
Saide is a non-profit organization that is registered as an educational trust (Registration Number: 1355/92). It is also registered as a Non Profit Organisation (041-137 NPO). We currently have a level one B-BBEE status. Saide’s Trustees are: Mr S. Maslomoney (Co-Chairman), Ms M. Metcalfe, Prof S. Motala, Prof A. Bawa, Prof T. Msibi and Ms JA Glennie (Director).
Saide was initially entirely supported by the European Union. From 1995, Saide began to diversify its funding. In early 1997, Saide turned its attention to its financial sustainability around different sources of income: project grants with agreed deliverables, commissioned project income, general income from funding agencies (organizational grants), other (including interest, royalties, use of administrative services etc). The balance among these types has shifted dramatically, with no organizational grants since 2005. Saide is committed to balancing the above sources of income to ensure that it retains a strong committment to its mission and is not driven entirely by the 'market'.
What we do
Saide acts as an advocate, catalyst, and facilitator to bring about change in existing educational practices. Saide is in a unique position to facilitate networks and provide advice on the planning and implementation of educational programmes using different modes of provision. and, development, sharing and evaluation of courses and materials. Educational providers in South Africa and neighbouring countries have increasingly sought Saide's assistance in planning and evaluating their programmes, courses and systems and supporting them by facilitating professional development for their staff.
Saide is a non-governmental organization conducting projects throughout South Africa and sub-Saharan Africa. Saide's task is to contribute to the development of new models of open learning, including the use of distance education methods, educational technology and open educational resources. These should accord with and take forward the values, principles, and goals of the evolving education systems in the sub-Saharan Africa.
Staff members
Our Services
Saide offers a number of services across all educational sectors – early childhood development, schooling, technical and vocational education, teacher education, higher education and community education. We work with educators and providers as well as policy makers to enable successful open learning which include increasing access and ensuring success for all.
Saide is committed to engaging and refining concepts and practices in opening learning, different modes of provision, open educational resources(OER) and the use of technology for mediating learning. We share learnings and resources through our websites, newsletters and online platforms. Through our various projects and collaborative networks of relevant education communities, Saide supports capacity building across all our services.
Programme development and course design
- Facilitate the development of programmes in which the principles of open learning are balanced to achieve both access and success
- Lead and support collaborative course design processes in which learner support, assessment and course materials are integrated and learning is mediated through the use of appropriate technology
Materials design and development
- Lead the design and development of materials that mediate learning in open learning and distance education courses
- Build capacity in the design and development of learning and teaching support materials incorporating open educational resources in a variety of media
Coordination of open learning initiatives
Act as the backbone organisation for inclusive collaborative open learning initiatives particularly in ensuring access and success:
- guide vision and strategy
- coordinate aligned activities
- support the use of data in a shared measurement system for ongoing improvement
- manage internal and external communications.
- stimulate knowledge sharing
Policy development and systemic reviews
- Support the development of policy for opening learning, open education resources and different modes of educational provision
- Conduct systemic reviews of educational implementation including different modes of provision from an open learning perspective
Educational technology
- Research the use of technology in education and
- Encourage and support appropriate use of technology in education
Educational Evaluation and Research
- Evaluate the design and delivery of education programmes using various modes of provision
- Evaluate education resources
- Conduct educational research in the fields of ECD, schooling, teacher education, TVET, higher education and the use of technology in education.
- Collects and analyses qualitative and quantitative data (principally descriptive statistics).
- Conduct reviews of existing literature and secondary data collected by third parties.
Open Educational Resources (OER)
- Stimulate and/or co-ordinate projects for the adaptation, development and use of OER
- Encourage institutions to develop policies that promote the use, creation and sharing of OER
- Identify and make available on various Saide platforms, such as OER Africa and African Storybook Initiative, high quality OER to meet the needs of African educational providers and users
- Support and contribute to networks and communities of practice involved in the development and use of OER
Quality assurance/ Quality systems and criteria
- Promote quality educational delivery by supporting institutions in developing appropriate quality assurance systems and through building capacity in quality assurance
Since inception, Saide has developed and sustained an excellent reputation for the quality and effectiveness of its work, and for its ability to manage a wide range of projects. The project pages provide information on our projects, related services and staff involved. Where possible we include links to resources and outputs related to these projects. The search facility can also be used to look for our resources.
In support of various COL education initiatives in sub-Saharan Africa and in the Pacific Island countries, Saide has been commissioned to work with institutions and government ministries to enhance access to quality education, including supporting:
- Universities and open schools to design online and blended learning courses and to use appropriate technology for teaching and learning. For example, at one university, Saide supported the institution to redesign five modules for online delivery and to develop quality assurance rubrics.
- Institutions to develop quality assurance policies in using educational technology and in embracing employability.
- Education ministries to strengthen Open, Distance and Flexible Learning (ODFL) systems.
KnowHow Early Learning is a mobile and tablet course application to facilitate self-guided group learning amongst early childhood practitioners and teachers.
KnowHow Early Learning aims to support young children to be ready for school and schools to be ready for young children. The intention is to empower untrained community ECD practitioners and primary school teachers to use interactive, holistic teaching methodologies. KnowHow Early Learning promotes collaboration between ECD centres and primary schools. KnowHow Early Learning is a key component of the ‘Early Learning Kiosk’ strategy of the Roger Federer Foundation.
KnowHow Early Learning is implemented across five Southern African countries, promoting synergies between the countries. KnowHow Early Learning is an activity-based, multimedia course, integrating the use of African Storybooks for young children.
The course is an open educational resource with a Creative Commons licence.
OER Africa was established in 2008 with support from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation to collaborate with higher education institutions in Africa in the development and use of Open Educational Resources (OER). OER Africa is currently undertaking collaborative work to develop the professional competences and skills of stakeholders within African higher education institutions so that they can implement OER practices to improve the quality of teaching and learning.
The website showcases Learning Pathways in the form of open education online tutorials, OER courseware, research and policies, as well as regular communications (“What’s New”) on topics of interest in open education.
Acting as a backbone organization, Saide with seven Partners (funded by the Kresge Foundation) and five Participant universities work together to improve student success through evidence based interventions at scale. The Network includes national and local network components. The National Network includes a coherent set of services focused on student success (provided by Partner universities as well as by Saide) and the USA based Achieving the Dream, five sub-networks, convening meetings with Partners and the annual conference. Partner institutions coordinate regional sub- networks and Saide coordinates the national network.
Saide’s African Storybook initiative helps overcome a major barrier to learning: the severe shortage of contextually appropriate storybooks and materials in indigenous languages for young African children learning to read through working with local language speakers, educators and artists to develop, publish and encourage use of such storybooks. Visit our platform for over 3 000 unique openly licensed picture storybooks in the languages of Africa for children, aged two to ten, for their literacy development, enjoyment and imagination. Over 200 languages of Africa are represented on the website, as well as tools to enable communities, particularly those whose languages are under-resourced, to translate, adapt and create storybooks in their languages.
ASb’s Reader App, enables parents and children to create a library on their device and to read storybooks even when they are offline. Its Maker App enables them to create their own picture storybooks offline and publish them when connected to the internet. The storybooks are immediately available in the Storybooks App category on the ASb website. Both Apps are downloadable from Google Play and the iStore.
We support organisations, educators and communities in developing storybooks - translating, creating and publishing them - and in effective use. Organisations needing our services, can approach us to run story development, publishing, preparing print runs and using the ASb website and its tools.
- HELM University Lecturer Development Programme
Higher education - University of Buea (Cameroon) course design
Higher education - Council on Higher Education (CHE) Colloquium
Higher education [completed] - Jisc Digital University Africa
Higher education [current] - E3-DBE Curriculum Recovery
Teacher education [current] - TeacherConnect
Teacher education [current] - COL guides for teachers in Pacific: (1) re-versioning guide; (2) integrating OER guide
Teacher education [current] - Quality Online Teaching and Learning Course for TVET Lecturers
Higher education [current] - Botswana Open University (BOU) Open School Technology Enhanced Learning Project: Phase 1
Schooling - KnowHow Early Learning Lesotho Phase 2
Early childhood development [current] - Open University (UK) Early Learning Pilot
Early childhood development [current] - Quality Assurance Support for Rwanda University
Higher education [current] - UJ Postgraduate School
Higher education [current] - ISCED workshop organised by NBA
Higher education [current] - UFS Quality Audit
Higher education - Maluti workshop
Higher education [current] - ISCED (Mozambique) Quality Audit
Higher education [current] - Quality Assurance Support at University of BUEA, Cameroon
Higher education [current] - Building capacity for University of Rwanda
Higher education [current] - OU (UK) ACDE Online Course
Higher education [current] - Emlalatini Online Course Development
Higher education [current] - Roles and Functions of NAMCOL
Higher education [current] - Evaluation of Zenex funded BRIDGE Communities of Practice Evaluation
Teacher education - Teaching for All: Blended Learning Solution
Teacher education [current] - NASCA Materials Development
College education [current] - TVET Installation, Repair and Maintenance (IRM)
College education - Advanced Diploma in Technical and Vocational Teaching (Adv Dip TVT)
Higher education [current] - COL /Vanuatu Open Schooling
Schooling [current] - Zenex Ulwazi Lwethu
Schooling [current] - Online course dev for FODE, Papua New Guinea
Schooling [current] - Early Learning Framework Agreement
Early childhood development [current] - Literacy Development Phase Three
Early childhood development - Trois Soeurs Education Fund
Early childhood development [current] - The Action Foundation
Early childhood development [current] - eKitabu
Early childhood development - KnowHow Early Learning Lesotho Phase 1
Early childhood development [current] - Zenex Ulwazi Lwethu Technical
Higher education [current] - iGO Zambia - Early Learning Course for Pre-Primary Teachers
Early childhood development [current] - National Data Warehouse Development
Higher education [completed] - COL/UNISWA Materials Development
Higher education [completed] - ACDE Quality Assurance Workshop
Higher education [completed] - ZENEX/BRIDGE Communities of Practice Evaluation
Teacher education [completed] - COL Open Schooling
Schooling [completed] - Review of R-Maths Materials
Early childhood development [completed] - Roger Federer Foundation Early Learning
Early childhood development [completed] - National Reading Coalition
Early childhood development [completed] - OMT Story Development and Use: South Africa
Community education [current] - Google Impact Challenge
Community education [current] - ANC Political Education Material Package
Community education [current] - TESSA Badged Open Course (BOC) South Africa
Early childhood development [current] - TPD@Scale
Teacher education [completed] - SAJEI Writers' Workshops for Judicial Officers
Higher education [completed] - Saide Education Studies
Teacher education [completed] - ECD in Namibia
Early childhood development [current] - Vaal University of Technology Support for Online/Blended Learning
Higher education [completed] - Capacity Building In Course Design and Development for Makerere University Business School
Higher education [completed] - Caring Schools and Education Centres Materials Adaptation
Schooling [completed] - Household Food Security Programme
Community education [completed] - Department of Education Inclusion Project
Early childhood development [completed] - Zambian Community Schools Teacher Support
Teacher education [completed] - National Senior Certificate for Adults Qualification
Schooling [completed] - TESSA Early Reading Course
Teacher education [completed] - Strengthening Institutional Capacity to Promote Online and Distance Learning
Higher education [completed] - National University of Lesotho ODL Workshop
Higher education [completed] - Distance Education
College education [current] - UKZN Advanced Certificate in Teaching Materials Development
Teacher education [completed] - JET Initial Teacher Education Research
Teacher education [completed] - Rhodes Foundation Phase Support Materials
Teacher education [completed] - CPD Programme for Teacher Educators in Nigeria
Teacher education [completed] - ICT Rapid Research for DPME
Schooling [completed] - DPME/DHET Design Evaluation of Policy on Community Colleges
Community education [completed] - QCTO e-Assessment Policy and Criteria
College education [completed] - CHE Lesotho Audit Workshop
Higher education [completed] - CHE Quality Assurance Support
Higher education [completed] - CHE Distance Education Research
Higher education [completed] - Agshare
Higher education [completed] - NADEOSA Secretariat
Higher education [current] - Bella Visita School
Teacher education [completed] - Zambian Community Schools
Teacher education [completed] - TDP Continuous Professional Development Certificate Course, Nigeria
Teacher education [completed] - National Advanced Diploma in Education: School Leadership and Managment
Teacher education [completed] - PIECCE – Project for Inclusive Early Childhood Care and Education
Teacher education [current] - Sol Plaatje University Council
Higher education [current] - Evaluation of the UKZN Teaching Development Grant
Higher education [completed] - HEAIDS TVET Working Group
College education [completed] - DHET/HEAIDS Monitoring and Evaluation of HIV and AIDS Curriculum Content Integration
College education [completed] - Umalusi TVET National Curriculum Vocational Qualfication
College education [completed] - ICT Advisory Committee - Department of Basic Education
Schooling [completed] - Twinning Schools Manual
Schooling [completed] - Gauteng Education Development Trust/Bridge Evaluation of Communities of Practice
Schooling [completed] - PILO KZN Research Project
Schooling [completed] - Reading Support Project
Schooling [completed] - Early Maths Stories
Early childhood development [completed] - ECD Quality Toolkit Pilot
Early childhood development [completed] - SANTS Materials Moderation
Early childhood development [completed] - PHEA-ETI
Higher education [completed] - COL Quality Assurance Programme
Higher education [current] - OER Africa Participatory Action Research
Higher education [completed]
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